
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 7th

Yesterday's photo kind of just happened and today I kept thinking to myself "What will today's photo be?" I was worried I would forget at the end of the day, we just wouldn't get a good photo or it would be a forced thing! It turned out that Todd had to work some overtime and I tucked the kids into bed myself! Then it came to me....a Storytime photo! We did have to take a couple to get "the right angle" but it is something I've meant to document for a long time and the kids got a huge kick out of use the self timer! =)


  1. Kim,
    I just followed your blog address from Becky Higgins site. LOVE your idea to make a blog with Project 365! Can I ask what camera you are using? Your photography is really wonderful. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Followed the link from Becky Higgins site! Very cool! I love this photograph :D Yay!!!

  3. Great photos! I love using the self timer. So the project is working we are capturing the everyday moments that get missed! Thanks for providing a glimpse into your life I found it through Becky’s blog it is always interesting to see how others interpret projects.

    Luann W

  4. Hi I love your blog I found it through another friends blog. I would love to know where you found your backgroud page. I do love scrapbooking and it is like looking at your book on line.
